AND I LOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!! (who knew?!!!)
In newly (kinda) following the "TMI Thursday" tradition - I'm going to share some information that I can NOT believe I'm going to display to anyone and everyone who might stumble upon my page! (oh Lord) My mom is breaking out in cold sweats right now.......she thinks the internet is total invasion of privacy and God forbid we expose too much information to the ENTIRE world for fear that someone will hunt me down and kill me! (insert blog about me leaving all the blinds in my house open day and night!) LMAO
Anyway - back to the quandary at hand.
This year - back at the end of May, I finally faced the fact that I might possibly be a little out of shape. Not excessively mind you - because I was still in denial here...but at 33 I said to myself "well, maybe I better start working on fitness now so I don't get OUT of shape". That was really my reasoning in going to the gym....Right?!?!!! to PREVENT being out of shape?!?!! (insert MORE denial here).
Ok - so I take my butt into GET TONED FITNESS (in Bowling Green KY) Upon entering I am told it's "personal" training. David is with you every step of the way... making the workout routines and holding you accountable through the entire process (because as I was told, its's not a GYM, it's a PROCESS) OK - I know my track record with gyms (AND the process) and I do realize that someone holding me accountable is worth any amount of $$$ - so I'm in. We shoot a before picture and off I go on my workout regimen. (still thinking I'm really not in THAT bad of shape....denial denial denial!) I saw my before picture and it was bad, but still I'm thinking - hey I'm 33 and I've had a baby - I look ok considering... (nevermind that I had that child FOURTEEN years ago! excuses...denial...excuses....denial... excuses..) So I'm not THAT distraught with the picture (that I have ONLY seen on the teeny tiny camera screen). THEN it gets put on the wall. WOW - do I REALLY look that bad?!?! Cause I look at myself every day and I never noticed that.... those THINGS hanging over the sides of my shorts.... my frumpy slumped over body... ok - my BOOBS hanging to my knee caps! WHOOOOO is that girl?!?!!!!!!!!!!! (that sports bra has LONG since been thrown in the trash can!!!) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
yes - I'm posting the here. (and doing 75 hail marys for forgiveness for sharing this....right now....) OH LORD!
OK - now that I have exposed my frumpy slumped over saggy TMI picure of myself......
let's fast forward 4 months.
I have worked really really hard in those 4 months. I have lost about 10 pounds, but MOST of all - I have lost INCHES and have totally re-shaped my body! THIS is the important stuff....not just the numbers.
My next goal is ABS by Christmas!!! I have told David this and trust me - he's pushing me to that =)
I know not all of my followers are in Bowling Green - so here's my words of wisdom for those that are:
If you are in Bowling Green (and your interested in transforming your body) - Check out GET TONED FITNESS studio. David Nuckols is the owner/trainer and he's fantastic. I know I'm not where I want to be yet - but I can not believe the difference already. And the other thing is - I was NOT the gym girl before I started here. I hated the thought of working out... too many things I would miss by being at a stupid gym instead. BOY was I wrong and I'll just tell you - once you start - it's TOTALLY addictive. My body craves it when I miss days in a row... & one of the biggest differences is this gym is small and it's personal one on one training... you don't get lost in machines and people... I couldn't have done what I have done ANYWHERE else!!!
For those of you not in Bowling Green, I just wanted to share my far, and maybe just maybe motivate someone out there to think about where you wanna be and know it IS possible. (you couldn't have told me that 4 months ago). I'm a firm believer now in ALL the benefits of working out - not just what you can see, but all the differences inside that you can't see too. I feel so much better today! Not just physically, but also emotionally!
This concludes my TMI Thursday session - I hope I have not offended but have instead motivated with my TMI sharing of myself ;-)
Have a GREAT Thursday and go for a run!
You are brave for posting these pics (although I can honestly say I think you look great in both, especially considering your age and that you're a mom). But I can definitely see a huge difference and you should be so proud of yourself! You give me inspiration! I do Jazzercise and Pilates, but I'm not hardcore. I think I need to make sure I get there more.
Thanks for sharing this with us---you are doing an incredible, amazing job and YAY FOR YOU!!! YOU GO, GIRL!
Popping in from SITS!
Oh, I really need to go to the gym. What makes it so bad is I have a membership and haven't gone once. Ugh!
Okay, I've got to get motivated! (You're going to help with this) I need to tone up. I also love yoga. I'd like to work on my ab area, butt/ thigh area and my arms.
Just popped in to say I'm following your blog now...
Just so you don't think I'm lazy! I work full time, have a small business, am mommy to four children and married to my high school sweet heart. Okay, I need to fit the gym in there somewhere. :-)
go ahead girl!! I think you look fantastic!! keep up the great work!! :)
You look great!! You can really see a difference!! Keep up the good work!
BE PROUD of yourself! You look in shape, and Sexy. I envy you!
Secretia (Secret Story Time)
Erin - THX! I'm hoping the pictures being out there will hold me more accountable! I KNOW there are results to be had - just gotta stick with it! =) I hope to share my motivation with all
WELCOME JaelCustomDesigns! I hope to provide motivation and I would never think you to be lazy. I KNOW how hard it is to fit gym time into a schedule. I'm a single mom to one 14 year old boy, work full time, go to school part time, work a small job part time, blah blah blah... but I MAKE myself schedule stuff AROUND the gym now instead of scheduling the gym around life! it's been good :)
A million reasons not to do something - I can give you a million to go to the gym! ha ha Seriously, thanks !!
Lee - thanks!! and by the way - if I don't say it enough on YOUR posts, please let me say it again - I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! ;)
Secretia - Thanks much. I don't know about sexy, but I'm definitely in better "shape" than I was 4 months ago... progress is all I'm looking for... just gotta keep at it!
Holy Coroly! only 4 months? You look awesome! You must be working your butt off (literally!)
Thanks for following I am too!
Wow - that is awesome!! And you are brave for posting those pictures. Even if I was model size, I wouldn't show my tummy on the internetz.
Bowling Green? I'm in Ashland, KY. (Not close but same state.) My pastor lived in BG before he came here. He was an associate pastor at Hillview Baptist Church.
Oh girl! I am soooo proud of you, brave you! I know what this takes. Boom Boom Pow! Great post! You look great. I was doing great for almost a year until summer came and I suddenly felt summer = ice cream and that meant not going to gym for some strange reason. Why, I don't know???? I've been back awhile now and have only 5 pounds to go. At my age if you get too thin your little face looks sick and flimsy! HeHe. True. Thanks for visiting my blog and for alerting me to this post. Let's keep each up going. Off to Zumba, my fave! So fun and sweaty!
Sandra - thanks and let's definitely do that! My friend just got certified to teach Zumba but I have YET to do a class. I'm dying to - I heard its great!
My motto is: the more sweat - the better the results! If you aren't sweating, you aren't working hard enough!!
Kylsp - so sorry I'm just now responding to this - WOW - my aunt and uncle go to Hillview and I know who Steve Ayers is, the pastor there. I'm not sure I know where Ashville is - BUT - YAY for same state!!! =)
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