Monday, November 2, 2009

Motivational Monday :)

OK - If I can remember to do this (because I'm old and suffer from STML - ha ha) I would like to try to make Mondays a little brighter!
Every Monday - I am going to try to post some sort of inspirational quote to start the week.  (AND hopefully a song - today's is GREAT!  more Lady Antebellum)
This week's quote I received in an email from a very good friend and I couldn't wait to pass it on...
Wishing everyone a beautiful Monday and a great week  :)

God doesn't give you the people you want;
He gives you the people you NEED...
to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you
and to make you into the person you were meant to be.

I have said it before and I will say it again - everyone that crosses through your life is there for a purpose - we never know at the time, but there is something you will gain from each relationship that you form.  Even the bad ones you will grow from!
You are who you are thanks to all the little foot prints through your life's journey!
SMILE and be happy for who you have become and the journey that got you here!
Enjoy the song and listen to the words!


Lee said...

I've grown from the bad ones....

Tami G said...

Meee TOO Lee - meeeee tooo!!!
and I am thankful for that! makes us better people!! =)

Stephanie Faris said...

Wow, that quote is so true. What does STML mean?

Tami G said...

Steph - Short term memory loss! =)
I suffer badly... hee hee

Holly Lefevre said...

I love that quote and do believe it is so very true.


Unknown said...

That's a wonderful quote and I need to try and remind myself of it more often.

I like your idea of doing this on Mondays!

MJ said...

Miss Tami you just made my day with this post. I needed a gentle reminder of this today.
I try to post a weekly wisdom on Mondays and a Faithful Friday bit every week. This week I just couldn't find anything that spoke to me for the weekly wisdom.
Ok enough rambles - Have a wonderful day
Dirty Little Confessions

Anonymous said...

You bring up the age-old contest/debate of want vs. need.

Lilian Moreira said...

This is awesome!! Thanks for sharing!

Lilian Moreira said...
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Lilian Moreira said...
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Life Laugh Latte said...

The quote was beautiful...and very true. The song was touching in music, but how odd are those posed pictures that have nothing to do with the song. Strange. But when my eyes were closed it very meaningful. Come on by sometime...Holly at

Tami G said...

So glad I got to share some sunshine and music with everyone today! here's hoping I can keep up the Monday cheer! :)

Nighty night!

Shayna P said...

Awesome. I love the quote. Didn't get to listen to the song but I love Lady A so it has to be good. I LOVE the quote though, can I steal that?? Thanks :P