Training Log - The Cube Method
Preparing for BATTLE...
my Journey in Powerlifting
I am going to put my work outs up here weekly. If you could care less about lifting or what I'm doing - feel free to move on - nobody is making you visit or read my journal! If you are interested, we lift 4 nights a week and do some low intensity cardio a couple of nights a week when possible.
I'm creating this journal and making it public:
#1 - for accountability for me
#2 - to offer encouragement and help to anyone who might need it
#3 - to show that you CAN do anything you put your mind to
#4 - to open myself up to any tips/advice/criticism/encouragement that anyone else might have to offer!
So here goes
(I'm a week behind - this is actually 2 weeks ago)
My weights are based off my max lifts, whether they be in the gym or in training.
Squat - 185
Bench - 105
Deadlift - 240
Week 1
Heavy squats
Foam rolling/stretching
Pull aparts - 100
5 sets x 2 reps @ 80% (140#)
Good Mornings 3 sets x 8 reps (65#)
Leg Extension 3 x 20
Lunges (walking) with small bar (25#) 3 sets x 12 (12 steps per leg)
Band Leg Curls 2 x 50
Explosive bench
Foam rolling/stretching
Pull aparts - 100
Flat bench Press 9 x 3 @ 60% 45 pounds + chains (35 pounds)
Flat bench 1 x 80 pounds + chains (off a 2 board)
Flat bench 1 x 90 pounds + chains (off a 3 board)
Incline DB 3 x 15
Standing DB military 3 x 10
Band Pressdown 100
Band fly 3 x 15
Kroc rows 1 x 15 (30#) per arm
Abs - hanging crunch from GHR machine x 30
plank - 1 min
Foam rolling/stretching
Pull aparts - 100
work up to a heavy weight 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 155x3, 185x1) to 205 x 2
Dead 115 x 10 x 3
Stiff Leg Dead 95 x 8 x 3
Rows 8 x 3
Plank 1 min + 25 plate
Bodybuilding Night
Foam rolling/stretching
Pull aparts - 100
Squat 5 x 5 @ 95 pounds
Calf Raises 75
Military press 10 @ 25# 10@35# 10@45#
Flat Bench 5x5 @ 55#
Bicep 3 x 10
Tricep 2 x 15
Plank 1 min + 25 plate
This week we also did 2 days of low intensity cardio - which consists of 45 mins on a treadmill at a low intensity pace.
Feel free to let me know your thoughts :)
Hope everyone had a GREAT Fourth - we spent the day INSIDE out of the rain!
2 months ago
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