Monday, June 7, 2010

~ Motivational Monday ~

And now I would like to take you back to your regularly scheduled programming…..

Remember back when I did a motivational Monday every week?!  Where the crap did THAT go?!  {shrugs…}
I'm back now……..

Life took some crazy twists and turns… ups…downs…bends and breaks…. But here I am – still standing….and for THAT – I would like to share a little bit of motivation for this lovely sun-shiny Monday.

There are a lot of things changing in my life and a lot of big changes to come.  Things I have prayed about for a LONG time are coming to fruition and some things are not… or maybe – wait – maybe they are – just not in MY TIME or the way I THOUGHT they would come to fruition.

Truth be told…..nothing ever really happens the way I THINK it should.
Because I become too focused on what I want, when I want it.  Rather than the big plan that God is working on every day.
And just when I think ….. ahhhhhh…… this must be God's plan……. Wow – where did this come from?  NOPE – pulled right out from under me too….
Expected the unexpected … or how about this – EXPECT nothing at all.
A friend of mine always says "expectations lead to disappointment" – so "expect" nothing.

I have school starting soon.  (August)
I started a new job (on top of my current one)
BOTH jobs are "supposedly" staying in tact while I'm in school
(good-bye life…..what little I have!)
Zack will be a sophomore in school.
Zack will be 16 (and driving……..shudder) in less than a year…
And once school does start – who the heck knows (because school is FULL TIME) how I will continue to make enough money to pay my bills…….

Sooooooooo many things on the horizon… it kinda freaks me out when I think about it.  BUT at the same time…..I am sooooooo thankful.
I'm thankful for all I am being blessed with.
I'm thankful for my dreams finally coming true.  (if I don't flunk out! Ha)
I'm thankful for the great child I have at home, who is (so far) helping every step of the way.
I'm thankful that I am on a path that God paved for me…..when it was time.

No matter what else is going on….I know I am walking hand in hand with a God who is paving the way as I go.

I came across this quote today and I wanted to share it with everyone…..

"God knows what we need better than we do.  Sometimes he redirects our course, giving us a unique and unexpected treat – and meeting a need we didn't even know we had."

Most of the time, it's probably best that we DON'T know the entire plan ahead….. live in faith, not expecting anything, and trusting that what God has in store is bigger and better than you can ever imagine on your own.

Rather than getting overwhelmed – I vow to be overjoyed.
No questions asked.
My future is in the hands of someone who CAN'T screw it up…..and if he didn't think I could handle all that is coming my way – he wouldn't put it on me.

God has faith and trust in us too……
Don't let him down  ;-)

Happy Monday and I hope everyone has a fantabulous week!!!!!!!!

~t@Mi G~
Sent from my iPhone 


Amethystmoon said...

wow, you have a packed full journey ahead of you! Positive energy coming your way, it will all work the way it should.

Deidra Faith said...

Thank you so much for all of that. I needed it all!