{{Don't you put that song in my head!!!}
I just looked back at posts from a year ago....
My oh MY how much has changed in one short year and OH the blessings I have in my life!!!
Since I haven't had time to post a Thankgiving "thankful" speech
please allow to somewhat do that now.......
First - go back with me a little.......
One year ago - I fell in love with the man I now call my husband.
Yes that's right....
in less than ONE year....we fell in love and decided we didn't want to go on through life without being a part of each other's forever.
ahhhhhhhhh - weren't things simpler back then?! LOL
GO BACK and read THIS post from Thanksgiving 2009
In one short - VERY busy..... and did I mention SHORT.... year - I have fallen in love, expanded my family, started ultrasound school (which I am now ALMOST to the half way mark of), quit my job, gone back to waitressing, found some new friends, lost some old ones.... oh the list goes ON and ON and ONNNN!! But just for one minute, I just want to gloat!
I want to BRAG!!!!
I want to look back at where I was at Thanksgiving last year...... (sooooooo HAPPY) and look how much my life has grown and flourished in just that one short year.
Ain't God GOOD!!!!!!!!
That is all :)
2 months ago